My brother called last night and invited both mother and me out for a bit of a Sundae drive and I said to him, not this was Saturday, LOL, get it SUNDAE? I know I should have declined, but, like all people who diet, the dieting cycle gets broken from time to time, and this was my turn to deviate from my 1,438 calories a day. It has taken me close to one whole year to lose a measly 10 lbs. You'd think I would be more mindful of the length of time it has taken me to lose just those few pounds, but the devil made me do it!
After driving around a part of the country I live in and in three years haven't explored and seeing the massive new houses being built in a new sub-division we stopped at the DQ!
Ten minutes later I sat in the back seat with a caramel sundae topped with lots of nuts and began digging in. My sister-in-law had a cherry sundae - she just loves charries! Anything at all which contains cherries and she'll have it. My mother, bless her heart, she indulged in a chocolate fudge sundae, and my dear brother a huge vanilla cone.
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DQ Ice cream cones are sooooo delicious! |
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Don't these look absolutely scrumscious? There isn't a member of my immediate family that are not ice cream lovers and Dairy Queen has always been the favored drive to treat place. After having finished these scrumscious treats we were on the way home which is nearly a half hours drive from home. The road to home is very dark and we were moving slower than normal as the deer have been spotted coming out of the forests onto the road these pat few weeks and we didn't need to meet one of them on this dark road at night. While we didn't meet any deer last night, we did see lightning streaking across the sky, huge beautiful streaks all compliments of Mother Nature. When we arrived home I went in to close up the windows as the wind was picking up and with seeing the lightning I believed we might be in for a storm, my mother didn't believe me and decided then and there she'd water the flower beds. I kept saying, it's going to rain, but nope, would she believe me? After she finished that watering task in she came, locked the door and just before her nether end could come into contact with her chair the rain burst from the sky and came down in buckets!! Not many times do I get to be right when it comes to my mother, but by golly this time I was right. All that water used when it wasn't necessary. Oh well, now the flower beds are doubly watered and should last for awhile before needing a drink again. I finally came into the sewing room and completed a few more 4" stretched stars for the border of that Stretched Star quilt top. Near 1 a.m. it really was time for lights out and a bed inspection, but before that, , I thought it best to make the rounds and make certain all windows and doors were locked, while doing that I looked outside and there they were, three little kittens romping through the front flower bed. My goodness but they are so sweet, I am so torn as to whether or not to bring them into the house and look after them (mother included) or, to leave them be and let them grow and become a stray like their mother and more possibly their papa too. 4X trouble me thinks! TONIGHT is our local Lions Club end of year party, oh boy! BBQ chicken dinners all around and for some of the shut in seniors in town as well. Every year our United Church puts on a Chicken BBQ and it is a great social event as well as a much needed fundraiser for the new steeple for the church. The steeple was in sad need of repairs and they finally had to remove it from the roof rather than have a mishap or nasty accident while fundraising for much needed repairs. Watch this video of the steeple being removed, it is quite extraordinary. Our Lions Club holds it year end party the same date as the church BBQ and nicely donate to the church while having a delicious dinner and get together all at the same time. Two birds with one stone so to speak! Seeing as I live across the river from where the party is being held I will collect all of the dinners and deliver them as well as mother and myself. Can you just smell the aroma's coming from my back seat now? I think you might. There will be chicken, potato egg salad, coleslaw (all homemade by the way), hot buttered buns, and a side salad, then wonderfully home backed, here I go again, breaking out of the diet mode - you'd think by now I would have said no to the ice cream sundae last night know full well about all of wonderful food I would be eating tonight! I will be taking the camera with me and making the good effort to get lots of photos, so, if you are not already bored, stay tuned for tomorrow's post when I get to show off what tonight's party looked like. Now, have I told you more than you wanted to know? Have a happy weekend and be mindful on those roads and by-ways if your travelling about, apparently the wild life in those woods are being driven to distraction by all of those huge and nasty deer flies that are biting them and so pose a hazard to vehicles especially around twilight. |
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