Hello Everyone I have finally got GOOGLE back! What a blessing, though I admit to lots of frustration over these past few days! Like I need more stress in my life right now! LOL
TOMORROW is a planned excursion day for me, bet you cannot guess where it is I will end up?? You won't receive another post from me until Friday at the earliest, but I just bet none of you will guess!
I have been moving my belongings a bit at a time and I am truthfully tuckered out but so excited to see these possessions residing in my new abode. YIPPEE while it isn't the Grand Hotel, it is small, compact and very clean.
This then is my new abode! Doesn't it look marvelous? I have wished for this type of living accommodation since in my 20's and now some 40+ years later My Creator granted me this blessing. Two bedrooms, one to sleep in and one for just quilting. Small enough to live in but large enough for me! So, it isn't the Ritz! It's better than that it's the Palace to me!
Did I tell you, I bet I didn't so many wonderful and good events are taking place in my life right now and I am truly blessed. My new granddaughter will be named Ella Brooke. How perfect is that? My wonderful daughter-in-law and son decided on names that begin with my first name initial and her granny Barbara's first initial coming up with Ella Brooke, and in all honesty these are two favored names I have always loved, so how blessed is that?
If time permits for you today, you just have to see Sue's Blog today. She and her quilting buddies are working on a Raffle Quilt for their 2014 Quilt Exhibition and for which they have received permission to reproduce and raffle off for charity from its designer LORI SMITH! What a spectacular quilt this is going to be and I sincerely hope when finally viewed for the raffle that it will fetch a goodly sum for the intended charity. Thanks Sue for sharing it with us!
Another special Quilter, Bonnie Hunter is in Virginia today, you've just got to go and see what she is sharing. Buildings with a history are so very special, and this Plantation is no exception. So head on over to her Quiltville blog and read all about it. Bonnie takes such beautiful pictures and these today are no exception.
Well everyone, I have too much to accomplish today and as per my usual have not left myself enough time, by the end of today I will be huffing and puffing and more than likely won't sleep long enough to feel the benefits of it tomorrow. A very special treat for me tomorrow! Bet you simply cannot guess what it is I will be up to!
Thank you so much for stopping by, make certain you have a safe and happy day today.
I look forward to posting again in a few days so look for me around Friday.
Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can. ~Danny Kaye
A Quilter's Sandwich and Everything Inbetween

Public Boat Docks in Seeley's Bay
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
Hello Everyone!
I have been out of commission for awhile due to my moving and my computer problems with GOOGLE!!!
One moment it was working and the next, no access, not even a screen fire up! I simply cannot seem to get help from Google on this and I guess it is time to give it the heave ho, obviously their long time users don't seem very important to them because they have provided no way to contact the support team - leades me to question - is there even a support team?
Anyhow if your not getting my posts, it is more than likely a serious Google problem and I simply haven't the time nor the nerves left over to try and correct it, like, a whole day and morning have been wasted and I am still no further ahead.
Barb your parcel is in the mail, hopefully out postal system won't keep it too long!
I will have much more to write about nearer the end of this week, but for today and the next few days I will be rather busy....can you guess what it is I will be doing?
Have a wonderful week ahead, seeing as it is a Civic holiday here it's a holiday for many a person but it is soooooooooo quiet here. Does your neighborhood go quiet when there are long weekends?
Hopefully somehow I canget this Google Chrome up and working again, but If I cannot I shall have to look for another Browser, but Google was my favorite and that is why it is such a shocker not being able to use it and spending hours searching for a reason that it simply isn't working.
Until later in the week, have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by to visit with me, sadly I don't have anything but complaints to share today, so you will have to overlook this from me and check back nearer the end of this week to see what is it I am actually up to.
I have been out of commission for awhile due to my moving and my computer problems with GOOGLE!!!
One moment it was working and the next, no access, not even a screen fire up! I simply cannot seem to get help from Google on this and I guess it is time to give it the heave ho, obviously their long time users don't seem very important to them because they have provided no way to contact the support team - leades me to question - is there even a support team?
Anyhow if your not getting my posts, it is more than likely a serious Google problem and I simply haven't the time nor the nerves left over to try and correct it, like, a whole day and morning have been wasted and I am still no further ahead.
Barb your parcel is in the mail, hopefully out postal system won't keep it too long!
I will have much more to write about nearer the end of this week, but for today and the next few days I will be rather busy....can you guess what it is I will be doing?
Have a wonderful week ahead, seeing as it is a Civic holiday here it's a holiday for many a person but it is soooooooooo quiet here. Does your neighborhood go quiet when there are long weekends?
Hopefully somehow I canget this Google Chrome up and working again, but If I cannot I shall have to look for another Browser, but Google was my favorite and that is why it is such a shocker not being able to use it and spending hours searching for a reason that it simply isn't working.
Until later in the week, have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by to visit with me, sadly I don't have anything but complaints to share today, so you will have to overlook this from me and check back nearer the end of this week to see what is it I am actually up to.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Can you believe it, it's August already!
Hey there, I am finally back to posting, though the time I spent away from you has been worth it because I finally found just the right place to live and I have been doing a very happy dance! PHEW!!!!!! I never imagined that finding another place for myself would be this difficult. If you could see some of the ruins I have visited you'd be amazed that these Landlords actually want a small fortune from someone to rent their dilapidated structures! I mean really, so many were just dumps and should have been raised to the ground.
Now the moving has begun, and so far I haven't divulged to anyone where it is or when because I want to keep it a secret for just a titch longer and with this back of mine out of whack it will be slow going. With the back which doesn't seem to be healing at all it is slow going. I suspect that the stress hasn't been helping, so possibly in a few months when all is said and done I might be on the mend. There is so very much going on in my life at this point in time I simply will just have to tell you a bit at a time as it happens....he he he, but hey, it is all good!
Barb and Sharon, I will be mailing your parcel and will advise when it goes into the mail so you may keep an eye out for the mailman...LOL
There is much going on around here in the background but you'll just have to come back and visit to find out what it is I have been up to lately, but for today I have a quilt to bind and it must be finished today for delivery tomorrow. I neglected it while looking for accommodations. Now it is back to my obligations.
In the meantime, wander on over to Quilty Pleasures Blog, Quiltmaker Magazine's blog, and what a blog this is to visit! It is here for August 1st that you'll see some of the beautiful quilts from Quilt Colorado 2012 and mention of some of the beauties hosted there. Today the post begins with a beautiful Irish Sam Quilt, I love it and have always thought I might do a Sue and Sam quilt, but for me the time just never came around, however, I think this is such a beautifully constructed and quilted piece you cannot fail to admire it. The color choices and the placement are just perfect. This blog is so filled with interesting information and quilt ideas I am certain you can spend hours and hours just looking around and reading with interest all that is there. Of course one of my all time favorite quilt designers, instructors and quilter, Bonnie Hunter is also mentioned along with her famous Cathedral Stars quilt, don't you just love this quilt? Go, visit, and feast your eyes on the spectacular quilts mentioned today and wonder at the exquisiteness of the actual quilting on those quilts being featured. WOW is all I can say because not being a hand quilter nor a terrific machine quilter I could never measure up to these pieces of perfection. I can however admire those who make such works of art, can't you?
A little piece of advise for you. Our village is very small and tight knot, but in recent weeks we've had some trouble around here, a very senior lady had her home invaded and it wasn't a break in, it was someone who watched where her spare key was kept outside her home and walked in using it. He (whoever he is) surprised her while in taking a shower, he frightened the life out of her and managed to relieve her of money from her purse, while not a huge huge sum, it was $200.00 and off he went. That was the second time because not a few days later didn't someone enter her home again!!!!!!!!! Now she has learned never to leave her doors unlocked or store a spare key outside. IT isn't safe even in our small community to leave the doors unlocked. SO ladies, play it safe even in your "thought to be safe" communities. LOCK your doors, be vigilant and if you have to leave a key somewhere, leave it with a trusted neighbor...This lady was not physically hurt, but her psyche has taken quite a beating.
Thank you for your patience in waiting for me to post, soon I will have lots to share with you including pictures of my new abode. It might not possibly be a palace to any other person, but to me it is a dream come true and once time permits I will begin to share it with you. Until then, have a very happy day, no matter where it is you live and enjoy it to its fullest.
Even if there is nothing to laugh about, laugh on credit. ~Author Unknown
Now the moving has begun, and so far I haven't divulged to anyone where it is or when because I want to keep it a secret for just a titch longer and with this back of mine out of whack it will be slow going. With the back which doesn't seem to be healing at all it is slow going. I suspect that the stress hasn't been helping, so possibly in a few months when all is said and done I might be on the mend. There is so very much going on in my life at this point in time I simply will just have to tell you a bit at a time as it happens....he he he, but hey, it is all good!
Barb and Sharon, I will be mailing your parcel and will advise when it goes into the mail so you may keep an eye out for the mailman...LOL
There is much going on around here in the background but you'll just have to come back and visit to find out what it is I have been up to lately, but for today I have a quilt to bind and it must be finished today for delivery tomorrow. I neglected it while looking for accommodations. Now it is back to my obligations.
In the meantime, wander on over to Quilty Pleasures Blog, Quiltmaker Magazine's blog, and what a blog this is to visit! It is here for August 1st that you'll see some of the beautiful quilts from Quilt Colorado 2012 and mention of some of the beauties hosted there. Today the post begins with a beautiful Irish Sam Quilt, I love it and have always thought I might do a Sue and Sam quilt, but for me the time just never came around, however, I think this is such a beautifully constructed and quilted piece you cannot fail to admire it. The color choices and the placement are just perfect. This blog is so filled with interesting information and quilt ideas I am certain you can spend hours and hours just looking around and reading with interest all that is there. Of course one of my all time favorite quilt designers, instructors and quilter, Bonnie Hunter is also mentioned along with her famous Cathedral Stars quilt, don't you just love this quilt? Go, visit, and feast your eyes on the spectacular quilts mentioned today and wonder at the exquisiteness of the actual quilting on those quilts being featured. WOW is all I can say because not being a hand quilter nor a terrific machine quilter I could never measure up to these pieces of perfection. I can however admire those who make such works of art, can't you?
A little piece of advise for you. Our village is very small and tight knot, but in recent weeks we've had some trouble around here, a very senior lady had her home invaded and it wasn't a break in, it was someone who watched where her spare key was kept outside her home and walked in using it. He (whoever he is) surprised her while in taking a shower, he frightened the life out of her and managed to relieve her of money from her purse, while not a huge huge sum, it was $200.00 and off he went. That was the second time because not a few days later didn't someone enter her home again!!!!!!!!! Now she has learned never to leave her doors unlocked or store a spare key outside. IT isn't safe even in our small community to leave the doors unlocked. SO ladies, play it safe even in your "thought to be safe" communities. LOCK your doors, be vigilant and if you have to leave a key somewhere, leave it with a trusted neighbor...This lady was not physically hurt, but her psyche has taken quite a beating.
Thank you for your patience in waiting for me to post, soon I will have lots to share with you including pictures of my new abode. It might not possibly be a palace to any other person, but to me it is a dream come true and once time permits I will begin to share it with you. Until then, have a very happy day, no matter where it is you live and enjoy it to its fullest.
Even if there is nothing to laugh about, laugh on credit. ~Author Unknown
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