Public Boat Docks in Seeley's Bay

Monday, August 6, 2012


Hello Everyone!

I have been out of commission for awhile due to my moving and my computer problems with GOOGLE!!!

One moment it was working and the next, no access, not even a screen fire up!  I simply cannot seem to get help from Google on this and I guess it is time to give it the heave ho, obviously their long time users don't seem very important to them because they have provided no way to contact the support team - leades me to question - is there even a support team? 

Anyhow if your not getting my posts, it is more than likely a serious Google problem and I simply haven't the time nor the nerves left over to try and correct it, like, a whole day and morning have been wasted and I am still no further ahead. 

Barb your parcel is in the mail, hopefully out postal system won't keep it too long!
I will have much more to write about nearer the end of this week, but for today and the next few days I will be rather busy....can you guess what it is I will be doing?

Have a wonderful week ahead, seeing as it is a Civic holiday here it's a holiday for many a person but it is soooooooooo quiet here.  Does your neighborhood go quiet when there are long weekends?

Hopefully somehow I canget this Google Chrome up and working again, but If I cannot I shall have to look for another Browser, but Google was my favorite and that is why it is such a shocker not being able to use it and spending hours searching for a reason that it simply isn't working.

Until later in the week, have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by to visit with me, sadly I don't have anything but complaints to share today, so you will have to overlook this from me and check back nearer the end of this week to see what is it I am actually up to.


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