Public Boat Docks in Seeley's Bay

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Hello Everyone, have you been wondering where I have been these last many days?  I have been hunting or haunting for a new roof under which to hang my hat, gee why wasn't I called Casper?  That being able to flit here and there invisibly would be absolutely wonderful, no gas just ghostly travel!  LOL
Also since time is marching on I have been giving lots of attention to finishing this quilt.  Need to go to the Hall for more table space as my little sewing corner simply isn't cutting it...but it is just so darned hot and humid and we live here near the water with a temperature already of 32 degrees Celsius or 89.6 Fahrenheit which is in and of itself not really too bad but with it comes the humidity and makes a person all sweaty  especially being in a place without air conditioning!  Boy am I spoiled or what?
A new friend who is very talented has had one of her photo's chosen for a new book being published called "Our Canada"!  This is that picture!  Isn't it wonderful? 
Also this picture which was taken at the War of 1812 Re-enactment in our region.
This scene is just so wonderfully serene, even though away back in 1812 life must have been much more tenuous?  
I am sharing these with Emma's permission, and I thank you Emma for this privilege.  Maybe one of these fine days Emma will publish some of her fantastic photos for everyone to enjoy!
This is one I adore for the balance and color.  Thank you Emma!
Parcels to the rest of the Giveaway winners have all been sent so please, when they arrive at your mail box, please let me know here at the Bag Lady so I may stop worrying about them!   I hope each and everyone who received a giveaway parcel enjoyed the contents?  I will be hosting another Giveaway soon, so keep checking back. 
Seeing as it is almost officially Summer, I want to wish Spring a happy retreat and because it is my most favorite time of the year, I cannot wait for its return.  Isn't it awfully hot and humid these days?  Possibly if we all think of sending those terrible storms and weird weather away they might disappear?  You think?
Time for me to sign off for today and get on with it, this quilt will not finish itself.  LOL  Once it is finally finished I will share it with you.  I am convinced it turned out pretty darned nice.
Your comments are really appreciated when you leave them, so please do and if you have something wonderful you wish to share, that too would be appreciated.  So, please feel free to leave your comments to share with all of us.  Especially about what it is your projects are that your working on.   

Isn't this a great quote????

Maybe we should develop a Crayola bomb as our next secret weapon.  A happiness weapon.  A beauty bomb.  And every time a crisis developed, we would launch one.  It would explode high in the air - explode softly - and send thousands, millions, of little parachutes into the air.  Floating down to earth - boxes of Crayolas.  And we wouldn't go cheap, either - not little boxes of eight.  Boxes of sixty-four, with the sharpener built right in.  With silver and gold and copper, magenta and peach and lime, amber and umber and all the rest.  And people would smile and get a little funny look on their faces and cover the world with imagination.  ~Robert Fulghum


  1. I wanted to tell you how excited I was when I received the package of goodies in the mail yesterday! First, I love the stamps! It's always fun to get stamps from another country! I am putting them in a treasure box that I have made for my little one year old granddaughter. It's a little wooden box that I am saving special little items in for her when she's older..

    Opening the envelope and pulling out all the goodies was like Christmastime! The fabric is so lovely-- definitely will have to find a very special project to use it for! The iron-on appliqued flowers are beautiful. My oldest daughter makes denim tote bags and purses, and I think I may add the appliques as an embellishment on two of the bags-- I think they'd be so pretty! I love the green ric rac-- and have been wanting to make a appliqued flower quilt and use green ric rac for the stems-- so this is perfect! I have never seen a top stitch/ zipper guide before, but I love it!! Can't wait to give it a try-- I think it's one of those gadgets that will come in very handy! The little iron-ons are super cute-- I think I may make some little tee shirts for Clarabel (my granddaughter) -- she'd love them! The water soluble marking pencil is something that I use all the time-- my old one is almost used up-- so this new one is greatly appreciated! And last but not least, the hot iron transfer pencil! How have I not heard of this before?! I can't wait to try it out!

    So, thank you, thank you for ALL the wonderful little goodies! You have definitely made my day!

    I hope that you are having a nice Summer! I was just reading your latest post on the blog, and can so relate-- living in south Alabama near the coast, we have hot and extremely humid days.. Last week, it rained and rained and rained, and then the sun comes out so hot-- the humidity is almost unbearable. I spend the days inside and when I *do* go out, I try to stay in the shade!

    I also wanted to pass my compliments on to Emma--- beautiful photos-- especially the one of the horses running in the snow-- it is just gorgeous! How excited Emma must be that her work is being published-- and deservedly so!

    Love that quote! :-)

  2. Gwen:

    So happy I made you happy!!! I so love giveaways (never won one yet) but I keep trying! LOL
    So glad you are enjoying your Clarabel, I am waiting on the expected delivery of my own granddaughter, cannot wait to love her to bits. She will be spoiled no doubt by her 9 year old sister who cannot wait for her to arrive either.
    My friend Emma is so talented that I simply had to share, I didn't tell, but she also writes, and writes the most entertaining stories too. Some day when she gets published in print I will share that as well.
    Glad my parcel arrived and that you can make good use of its contents. I so enjoyed choosing these to enclose.


IT IS YOUR TURN so go ahead and tell me what you think!