Public Boat Docks in Seeley's Bay

Friday, April 15, 2011

Yikes It's Friday, Again!

Darn if it isn't Friday again, already a week since I bought the new computer , I cannot believe that this week is coming to a close and while I have been extremely busy I really don't have much to show for all my being so preoccupied with other things not quilt related other than very late in the evenings when my whirling topsy turvy day ends, I get to relax and now habitually I pick up the makings of my hexies.   The size of my hexagons are 1.5" and I am enjoying the process very much.   So far I have only 300+ done.
  When I first began making these I thought I might need 1,000 but now I am thinking possibly 1,500 to 2,000 might be a better number to shoot for, afterall these are very tiny.  Seeing as I have no definitive plan in mind for these little beauties, I can make as many or as little as I choose, but, I really think that I could challenge myself if I make a huge amount and then go for something nice and large to accomodate all of the fabric colors and textures.  
While I have you thinking about hexagons, take a look at the Worlds Biggest Hexagon Quilt.  Thats right,  the BIGGEST in the world, according to the Guiness World Book of Records, it is official.  This was such an interesting project event and if you have not read about it, you might be interested in reading all about it here
Once the exhibition was closed this BIG quilt was cut into 115 smaller quilt segments of various sizes which  were to be bound and when that process was finished these were to be presented to various organizations. 
I have continued to pare down my scraps and slowly but surely these are being reduced in their bulk to ziplock baggies all labeled with the various sizes, and I have also begun to roll strips of various sizes to make my own jelly rolls.  Once this entire scrap organization is finished for the piles I currently have on the go, it will be time to go and visit Quiltville, Bonnie Hunters site and chose some of her fantastic patterns to use them up.  Ahhh gee, really I go and visit a lot and there are so many of Bonnie's patterns and techniques that hold my interest and teach me something new I didn't know before learning it from Bonnie.  
Once upon a long time ago I was interested in "Traditional" type quilt patterns like the  
Double Wedding Ring or, 
Manx style log cabin quiltor the Traditional Log Cabin
however as I progress my learning and understanding of the history of quiltmaking, I begin to think otherwise and Bonnie Hunter helps me to see the possibilities.
I recently discovered a fantastic web-site bearing the title Quilt Patterns Through Time which will indicate where some best loved and well known quilters/authors believe many of the patterns emerged from in History. 

This web-site is full of information to the student of quilts, quilting techniques, patterns, color, designs, etc. that if you have never visited this site, believe me it is well worth the visit, it will take a very long time to explore the whole site  and time and time again go back and continue to be amazed at the information in those pages. 
AND IF you really enjoy the historical, then you might also enjoy this web site, the NY FASHION CENTER where the history of Fabric and Textiles is laid out so well for the reader.  
While clearing up the fabric cupboard I discovered some 
old texts given to me an aunt who on learning that I had become pregnant thought I might like to learn how to sew garments and save money at the same time, these were published 1973, and spoke only to the subject of sewing/needlework and no mention in either of these texts of quilting.  

I do remember at that time in my life I really knew very little of the Art of quilting or of quilts other than my paternal grandmother made quilts as necessary bed linens for her large and burgeoning family. Had I grown up near to her I am certain I would have been taught this art form even though I know she would have called this a necessity and not considered it to be a hobby or even an art form.
Don't forget to stop by and visit at The Quilting Gallery - and cast your vote for your favorite Scrap Quilt in the Scrappy Quilt Contest going on this week.  Voting is open today until Sunday - hurry on over and vote for the quilt you like best.
Now I still have some reports and items to put together for my International Lions Convention in Ottawa this weekend and still find a little time to get in more cleaning.
THANK you for taking the time to visit today, have yourself a wonderful Friday, and if you leave a comment I will be sure to respond using the comments section of my blog for you to see.  REMEMBER I still have the PAY IT FORWARD GAME GIVEAWAY on the go, National Pay it Forward Day happens to be on April 28th this year.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Time To Share a Story

 Good Sunday to you all, in my e-mail this morning some very kind friend sent this along for me to read, savor and share.  Seeing as it is Sunday I thought many of you would not mind reading it.  I personally enjoyed reading this and it gave me food for thought. 
I will come back tomorrow with my usual ramblings, but for today, this fits well for me.

YOU may, should you wish, copy and share this story.  

A few years ago a group of salesmen went to a regional sales convention in Chicago . They had ssured their wives that they would be  home in plenty of time for Friday night's dinner.
In their rush, with  tickets and briefcases, one of these salesmen inadvertently kicked over a table which held a display of apples. Apples flew everywhere. Without stopping or looking back, they all managed to reach the plane in time  for their nearly missed boarding.  ALL BUT ONE !!!
He paused, took a  deep breath, and experienced a twinge of compassion for the girl whose apple stand had been overturned.  
He told his buddies to go on without him, waved good-bye, told  one of them to call his wife when they arrived at their home destination  and explain his taking a later flight. Then he returned to the terminal  where the apples were all over the terminal floor.   He was glad he did.   The 16 year old girl was totally blind! She was softly crying, tears running down her cheeks in frustration, and at the same time helplessly groping for her spilled produce as the crowd swirled about her, no one stopping and no one to care for her plight.       The salesman knelt on the floor with her, gathered up the apples, put them back on the table and helped organize her display. As he did this, he noticed that many of them had become battered and bruised; these he set aside in another basket.
When he had finished, he pulled out his wallet and said to the girl, 'Here, please take this $40 for the damage we did. Are you okay?' She nodded through her tears. He continued on with, 'I hope we didn't spoil your day too badly.' 
As the salesman started to walk away, the bewildered blind girl called out to him, 'Mister....' He paused and turned to look back into those blind eyes. She continued, 'Are you Jesus?'He stopped in mid-stride, and he wondered.
Then slowly he made his way to catch the later flight with that question burning and  bouncing about in his soul: 'Are you Jesus?' Do people mistake you for Jesus?
That's our Destiny, is it not? To be so much like Jesus thatpeople cannot tell the difference as we live and interact with a worldthat is blind to His love, life and grace. If we claim to know Him, we should live, walk and act as Hewould.
Knowing Him is more than simply quoting Scripture and going tochurch. It's actually living the Word as life unfolds day to day.    You are the apple of His eye even though we, too, have beenbruised by a fall. He stopped what He was doing and picked you and me upon a hill called  Calvary and paid in full for our damaged fruit.  
Please share this..... Sometimes we just take things for granted,when we really need to be sharing what we know...Thanks 

Color Me Back

Hello Everyone, I made it back! 
After 17 years of faithful service my old computer died. It was a good and expensive computer of the 90's, you know, a computer tower that was large and difficult to handle when you had to transport it to the computer hospital to be saved by some technician, with a monitor of 15 inches, beveled and the size of a baby elephant and just as heavy.  I thought it could still be rescued for just a few more months, it was not to be so into the graveyard where all good and hardworking computers go to when finally they're past resuscitation.
Finally after several hours of careful comparison shopping and checking to make certain my savings account could live past the hit I was expecting it to take,  I bought a new computer.  The new computer came bundled with Windows 7, a new LED 21" flat screen monitor, a new keyboard and a new mouse. Viola, here I am all set up and ready to pick up my life again on the world wide web. 

Remember in an earlier post I told you about the Pay It Forward game, and that this April 28th is Pay It Forward Day, well, I have decided what it is I want to do to celebrate this special day.  They have a wonderful trailer on U-tube click here to see it.
Paying it Forward is a concept not really new, many have been paying it forward in the world without drawing attention to it.  They appear, they do, they don't advertise it and they leave, hoping the one fortunate enough to have been on the receiving end would just go ahead and repay the kindness by helping someone else who came across their life's path and needed a helping hand or a hand up, and onwards the practice was carried out.  No hoopla, no loud ringing of the bells, no front page or above the fold news, just quietly doing something for another in need, someone who may never know that Good Samaritan. Yes, you've got the drift.
The quilting community is one of the most generous communities that I have personally been involved with.  When the cry is put out for help these Angels raise their hands, lower their heads and get stitching, giving generously of their time, efforts and creations which fly out of the sewing rooms and onto the shoulders of another human being, from the tiniest of human beings who had the misfortune to be born well ahead of their term to the wounded from wars and natural disasters and to those who grieve.  This is an all encompassing Pay It Forward Movement and they don't waste their time advertising, they just do it, whatever the it might be, with the knowledge beforehand that 99 out of 100 will never know who the person was that made that comfort. 
In celebration of PAY IT FORWARD DAY I'd also like to host a pay it forward exchange.
Here is how to get in on the fun:
I will make and send a Handmade gift on April 28th to the First 3 Bloggers who leave a comment to this post requesting to join this Pay It Forward fun exchange and who then in return Pays it Forward by promising to post a Pay It Forward event on your blog. You must leave me your Blog URL so that I may contact you to obtain your mailing address and send my goodie to you.  Come, all of you International Bloggers, join in, spread the word in your region of the world, it will prove to be quite alot of fun.
I sincerely have missed being here this week, did you miss me too?  I hope you have enjoyed yourselves today.   Don't forget the PIF Giveaway in this post...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


OH no, I am blogging from the Library cause I have had a major computer crisis - crash - a BIG OOPS - anyhow as soon as my wonderful computer technician can repair it I will be back.  Today was the day I wanted to share the Pay It Forward Foundation with you, actually Pay It Forward Day is this April 28th and I really would like to do something special for that day in its right, but something that will carry us through the remainder of the year and I cannot do it all by myself.
The whole idea paying it forward stems from the book then the movie and now us the computer generation many of whom are not quilters.  However, we, the Quilting and crafting community are also all doing their share to make this wonderful concept work.  So keep keep checking back here so that I can tell you joyfully that I am sitting at my own computer once again and announce what it is and how it will work with my PAY IT FORWARD DAY on April 28th.  Many, many quilters are taking part in this, so be on the look out for them so that you may learn more about this movement which I believe lately has managed to begin with a Facebook Group.
NOW it is time for the Librarian to end her day and seeing as I am the only one left in the Library I must leave.  But I will be back.

Have a great day everyone.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday, Blissfully Vegetating

I know I told you about all of the things on my "to-do" list lately, but today I am goofing off, my back is bothering me from all of the scrap sorting and cutting I did yesterday and I'm wasn't even bothered to dress.  After showering this morning, I pulled out a clean pair of pj's and have done nothing but sit and relax catching up with some of my favorite bloggers.
I even visited some new bloggers who have submitted their blogs to Michele Foster of the Quilting Gallery, the site I love to visit and call my Information Station, you should go there, lots and lots of information to be acquired. If you have never been there your missing out.  
If you haven't read Bonnie Hunters Blog today, you won't have heard the excitement.  Bonnie has a Quilt in the upcoming May/June Quiltmaker Magazine, this is so exciting!!!  AND .....IF you read Bonnie's Blog today  you'll find out how you can get in on the Giveaway of an autographed copy of her recent Book Scraps & Shirttails II, but in order to get in on this you'll have to read the how to.  What fun, I have my name in already and the anticipation of winning is exciting. 

It's official, I am taking off two months near the end of summer and flying off to my hometown, Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, 

spending quality time with my bestest friend in the whole world, Els introduced to you in an earlier post.  She has actually agreed to put up with me for such a lengthy visit, of course I will spend some of that time visiting with family, but for the most part I will be with Els.  She and I were born in the same year and in the same month and so we will celebrate our 65th birthdays when I get there albeit the actual date has passed, we just put our celebration on hold until I get there.
We have plans to visit all the market stalls especially the Flower market stalls because we don't have those here in my area and I miss have access to fresh cut flowers every week no matter the time of year!  

Then as many quilt shops we can as well as possibly take in along with visiting quilting friends, the excitement mounts as I scour the web for the best flight deals I can get. The more scheckles I save on travel, the more I have to spend on the important stuff - FABRIC!  
I am planning on taking my rolling backpack with a few mix and match wash and wearables and if necessary can buy one of those cheap suitcases for the purchases I anticipate making.  It is something special to look forward to. 
Okay I have fixed our Sunday meal of chicken thighs in creamed mushroom sauce, mashed potatoes, asparagus and a salad -mmmmmmmm soon we'll eat!  Next a planned evening with mother watching The Amazing Race, 60 Minutes, and on Bravo tonight,  King Arthur (2006 movie) and right after that a new series beginning which sounds interesting, The Borgias, "The Poisoned Challice" first episode in this premier series with Jeremy Irons (one of my favorite make movies stars) who is "Rodrigo Borgia" who lies and bribes his way into becoming Pope in the year 1492..... A direct quote from the tv guide. How's that for an evenings lineup of entertainment? 
I'm off, supper is nearly cooked and ready to eat, then, I am off to park my mother and me in front of the tv for a few hours entertainment.
So thank you again for stopping by to share my non-productive day.  Remember your comments are always welcomed.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Scraps Glorious Scraps With The List of Winners in Golden Quilters Awards

Scraps, scraps and oh my goodness I found more scraps, I have too many scraps, not organized that is.  Look at this mess!
I found them everywhere.  Like dust bunnies, they multiply!  I haven't paid enough attention to them in a long while, now they require some serious attention.  Giving it some real thought it is going to be a lot of fun to revisit some of the projects these scraps were instrumental in being a part of in the first place just finding them.  Now I need more of those zip lock bags, a dark permanent marker, my rotary cutter, ruler, and some time.  

Scraps from the closet
Yesterday, April 1st the Winners of the Golden Quilters Awards were announced by the Host of these Awards Sewcalgal

CONGRATULATIONS to all Winners and to all of the Nominees, it was a prestigious line up this year.
Winners of the 2011 Golden Quilter Awards.

Best DesignerAnne Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs
Best Teacher/Instructor Bonnie Hunter, Quiltville 

Best AuthorEleanor Burns, of Quilt In A Day                                                        
Best Quilt Store (Physical) Mary Jo's in Gastonia NC
Best Quilt Store (online)Fat Quarter Shop
Best Long Arm QuilterJudi Madsen - Green Fairy Quilts
Most Innovative product (physical item)AccuQuilt Go! Fabric Cutter
Most Innovated product (software item)EQ7, by The Electric Quilt Company
Most influential person in the world of quilting to-date, aka "Lifetime Achievement"Eleanor Burns, Quilt in a Day
Best Quilt RetreatTwo Wacky Woman (Southern California)

DON'T forget there are still the Sponsor Give-Away Prizes to be won, and you have until April 9th to enter, so go visit Sewcalgal for a list of the Awards sponsors and their Giveaways, winners for these delicious prizes will be drawn and announced on April 10th, 2011.  How exciting!  I confess,I have entered to be sure, I would be happy to win any one of these beautiful prizes.
Have a glorious weekend and take some time to see and read up on all of those prizes The Award Sponsors are giving away, I promise you you will be impressed and want to be a winner of one one of them.  I am hoping you will leave me a comment introduce yourself as to where in this wonderful world you live, work and play, and what type of quilting you enjoy.  It would be an adventure for myself and readers to visit your home town on the web, and I promise to post a reply. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Pam Holland Visits Kenora Quilt Guild in Canada

From the Quilt Show Blog , Australia's Pam Holland

My Photohas produced a Kenora Quilt Guild Show Video of her visit to Kenora Quilt guild, wait until you see the Christmas quilt near the end of this video, it will blow you away, so very beautiful!

Not much done today other than went scrounging for novelty prints for Master Bentley's quilt and discovered I have way too many scraps which haven't been sorted in any way shape or form, so, I spent the day cleaning up my fabric closet and look at what I managed to gather.  Now I will just have to sort these, into color, size and get back to making Nellie feel useful once again.  Seems I can't find half of what I want when I want it, time to organize these.  I wish I had a huge sewing studio so that I could really have everything spread out nicely and all neatly arranged, yeah right, like that is really going to become real for me...

What condition are your scraps in? 
I would love to hear about your scrap storage solutions.

Some quilters have fantastic sewing studios and some have corners in a room, or some the kitchen or dining room table, won't you tell us about your sewing area?

Send pictures and I will be so pleased to show them here.

Thank you for visiting, won't you leave a comment I will be very pleased to read about your thoughts on Pam Hollands' visit from the video, which you may access from the link above.  Come back soon.

Nellie Overshadowed by Lions for a Good Cause

Nellie has worked hard for the past several weeks, at rest only when at days end when the rotary cutter with rulers pushed aside,  her power was shut off and the Ott light doused.  This morning like every other morning Nellie would have been fired up, hum happily while threading her way along to the end of the seam and hardly ever forgotten left along and unused, but she was left quite alone today because the Lions took precedence.
Sew, no humming today, our Brockville Lions club was having a Japan Relief breakfast today.   
Setting aside my block construction of Mr. Bentley's quilt as well as some other WIP I gave Nellie a sorry look donned my uniform and set off to work for the people of Sendai Japan.
If your at all interested the International Lions Clubs roll is within the World community, here is a link to one such busy club in Ireland, the Bantry-Bay Lions Club.  This is a wonderful and concise site and explanation of the work Lions are doing for the world community and its current projects.  
If you should possibly be interested in the work carried out by Lions International and its clubs throughout the world and in your community, there is a way you can help people in the worlds' communities, choose one that strikes a chord with your interests or likes and follow or even, join up, it is such a worthwhile organization with hundreds of thousands of interesting people and a myriad of diverse interests and hobbies with one common denominator, Service.  

This is the Logo of Lions Clubs recognizable  anywhere in the world.

 The members of Lions Clubs anywhere in the world are ready and willing to help in any way possible.
My favorite part of Lions is my time working on my pet project, Guide Dogs Canada, that trains dogs to work for those who are blind or visually impaired, and expanded training of dogs as service companions to tho with hearing and other medical or physical disabilities.      
Puppies in the Foster Puppy Program
Before I shut down and make my bed inspection, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Visitors from around the world who came by for a visit, I so appreciate your interest and do hope you will call by again and again.  Have a great day everyone no matter where in the world you are.