Public Boat Docks in Seeley's Bay

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Color Me Back

Hello Everyone, I made it back! 
After 17 years of faithful service my old computer died. It was a good and expensive computer of the 90's, you know, a computer tower that was large and difficult to handle when you had to transport it to the computer hospital to be saved by some technician, with a monitor of 15 inches, beveled and the size of a baby elephant and just as heavy.  I thought it could still be rescued for just a few more months, it was not to be so into the graveyard where all good and hardworking computers go to when finally they're past resuscitation.
Finally after several hours of careful comparison shopping and checking to make certain my savings account could live past the hit I was expecting it to take,  I bought a new computer.  The new computer came bundled with Windows 7, a new LED 21" flat screen monitor, a new keyboard and a new mouse. Viola, here I am all set up and ready to pick up my life again on the world wide web. 

Remember in an earlier post I told you about the Pay It Forward game, and that this April 28th is Pay It Forward Day, well, I have decided what it is I want to do to celebrate this special day.  They have a wonderful trailer on U-tube click here to see it.
Paying it Forward is a concept not really new, many have been paying it forward in the world without drawing attention to it.  They appear, they do, they don't advertise it and they leave, hoping the one fortunate enough to have been on the receiving end would just go ahead and repay the kindness by helping someone else who came across their life's path and needed a helping hand or a hand up, and onwards the practice was carried out.  No hoopla, no loud ringing of the bells, no front page or above the fold news, just quietly doing something for another in need, someone who may never know that Good Samaritan. Yes, you've got the drift.
The quilting community is one of the most generous communities that I have personally been involved with.  When the cry is put out for help these Angels raise their hands, lower their heads and get stitching, giving generously of their time, efforts and creations which fly out of the sewing rooms and onto the shoulders of another human being, from the tiniest of human beings who had the misfortune to be born well ahead of their term to the wounded from wars and natural disasters and to those who grieve.  This is an all encompassing Pay It Forward Movement and they don't waste their time advertising, they just do it, whatever the it might be, with the knowledge beforehand that 99 out of 100 will never know who the person was that made that comfort. 
In celebration of PAY IT FORWARD DAY I'd also like to host a pay it forward exchange.
Here is how to get in on the fun:
I will make and send a Handmade gift on April 28th to the First 3 Bloggers who leave a comment to this post requesting to join this Pay It Forward fun exchange and who then in return Pays it Forward by promising to post a Pay It Forward event on your blog. You must leave me your Blog URL so that I may contact you to obtain your mailing address and send my goodie to you.  Come, all of you International Bloggers, join in, spread the word in your region of the world, it will prove to be quite alot of fun.
I sincerely have missed being here this week, did you miss me too?  I hope you have enjoyed yourselves today.   Don't forget the PIF Giveaway in this post...


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