While I have you thinking about hexagons, take a look at the Worlds Biggest Hexagon Quilt. Thats right, the BIGGEST in the world, according to the Guiness World Book of Records, it is official. This was such an interesting project event and if you have not read about it, you might be interested in reading all about it here.
Once the exhibition was closed this BIG quilt was cut into 115 smaller quilt segments of various sizes which were to be bound and when that process was finished these were to be presented to various organizations.
I have continued to pare down my scraps and slowly but surely these are being reduced in their bulk to ziplock baggies all labeled with the various sizes, and I have also begun to roll strips of various sizes to make my own jelly rolls. Once this entire scrap organization is finished for the piles I currently have on the go, it will be time to go and visit Quiltville, Bonnie Hunters site and chose some of her fantastic patterns to use them up. Ahhh gee, really I go and visit a lot and there are so many of Bonnie's patterns and techniques that hold my interest and teach me something new I didn't know before learning it from Bonnie.
Once upon a long time ago I was interested in "Traditional" type quilt patterns like the
Double Wedding Ring or, |

however as I progress my learning and understanding of the history of quiltmaking, I begin to think otherwise and Bonnie Hunter helps me to see the possibilities.
I recently discovered a fantastic web-site bearing the title Quilt Patterns Through Time which will indicate where some best loved and well known quilters/authors believe many of the patterns emerged from in History.

This web-site Womenfolk.com is full of information to the student of quilts, quilting techniques, patterns, color, designs, etc. that if you have never visited this site, believe me it is well worth the visit, it will take a very long time to explore the whole site and time and time again go back and continue to be amazed at the information in those pages.
AND IF you really enjoy the historical, then you might also enjoy this web site, the NY FASHION CENTER where the history of Fabric and Textiles is laid out so well for the reader.
While clearing up the fabric cupboard I discovered some
old texts given to me an aunt who on learning that I had become pregnant thought I might like to learn how to sew garments and save money at the same time, these were published 1973, and spoke only to the subject of sewing/needlework and no mention in either of these texts of quilting.
I do remember at that time in my life I really knew very little of the Art of quilting or of quilts other than my paternal grandmother made quilts as necessary bed linens for her large and burgeoning family. Had I grown up near to her I am certain I would have been taught this art form even though I know she would have called this a necessity and not considered it to be a hobby or even an art form.
Don't forget to stop by and visit at The Quilting Gallery - and cast your vote for your favorite Scrap Quilt in the Scrappy Quilt Contest going on this week. Voting is open today until Sunday - hurry on over and vote for the quilt you like best.
Now I still have some reports and items to put together for my International Lions Convention in Ottawa this weekend and still find a little time to get in more cleaning.
THANK you for taking the time to visit today, have yourself a wonderful Friday, and if you leave a comment I will be sure to respond using the comments section of my blog for you to see. REMEMBER I still have the PAY IT FORWARD GAME GIVEAWAY on the go, National Pay it Forward Day happens to be on April 28th this year.
AND IF you really enjoy the historical, then you might also enjoy this web site, the NY FASHION CENTER where the history of Fabric and Textiles is laid out so well for the reader.
While clearing up the fabric cupboard I discovered some
old texts given to me an aunt who on learning that I had become pregnant thought I might like to learn how to sew garments and save money at the same time, these were published 1973, and spoke only to the subject of sewing/needlework and no mention in either of these texts of quilting.
I do remember at that time in my life I really knew very little of the Art of quilting or of quilts other than my paternal grandmother made quilts as necessary bed linens for her large and burgeoning family. Had I grown up near to her I am certain I would have been taught this art form even though I know she would have called this a necessity and not considered it to be a hobby or even an art form.
Don't forget to stop by and visit at The Quilting Gallery - and cast your vote for your favorite Scrap Quilt in the Scrappy Quilt Contest going on this week. Voting is open today until Sunday - hurry on over and vote for the quilt you like best.
Now I still have some reports and items to put together for my International Lions Convention in Ottawa this weekend and still find a little time to get in more cleaning.
THANK you for taking the time to visit today, have yourself a wonderful Friday, and if you leave a comment I will be sure to respond using the comments section of my blog for you to see. REMEMBER I still have the PAY IT FORWARD GAME GIVEAWAY on the go, National Pay it Forward Day happens to be on April 28th this year.