which I believe isn't too shabby at all. Once the winter darkness descends late this afternoon I will take more pictures, after all the lights display better against the darkened sky, don't they?
You might recall back in October Rick Hansen came back to Seeley's Bay in celebration of his 25th Anniversary of his Man In Motion Tour across Canada. Thanks to Rick Couper of Seeley's Bay for posting this video of this 25th Anniversary stop over.
I left you with pictures of that special afternoon and today I have a facebook link for you to see the event which was captured on video. Wow, it sure turned out great, and it is also in this video you will get to meet some of the residents of the Seeley's Bay Retirement residence. A wonderful greeting by the home's residents to Rick and his crew of many was made possible by he sheer generosity of the Home's owners Ron and Liz Rudd.
ideas and knowledge of what works well and just how to go about accomplishing it.
THIS afternoon I am baking more cookies, thumbprints, candy cane cookies, and some christmas shaped shortbreads, and just a few more dozen of the chocolate dipped flavored shortbread...mmmmmmmmmmmm my kitchen smells great and my inernal batteries seem to be working rather well today.
I would like to thank each and every one who to date has posted comments on this blog and joined in on the

events that my participating bloggists (is this a new word?) and I have arranged. The time is racing by and with all of the Christmas preparations and the flury of events which are beginning it means much to all of us that your enjoying yourselves. THANK YOU one and all, it is sincerely appreciated and we all hope you will hang around after it is over for this year on the 18th and 19th when winners of all the giveaways will be announced.
Thank you for sharing a part of this afternoon with me, with you and all of the great Christmas music playing for company my day is such a happy one.
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